Sunday School Lessons

No Two Ways About It

If there are universal standards, they must - by definition - apply to all of us

Sunday School Lessons

Surely Not I?

What do we do when we encounter a list of sins in the Bible, and find a few that we struggle with, too?


Are You Being Watched?

If we are concerned about what people think when we give, we're probably giving for the benefit of the wrong person. If we judge other people in the same way, we can rob them of joy, as well.


Non-Zero Sum, Part 2

What if, instead of trying to figure out who is right or wrong, we strove to raise the raise the level of good in the world?


Just Like Me

What would happen if we all saw other people as created in God's image, instead of letting other things get in the way?


Say What You Mean, but Don’t Say It Mean

Just because we know something to be true, doesn't mean that we should necessarily blurt it out, especially without first mixing in a bit of grace.