
Quotes from the Pharisees: Nobody Believes That! (Part 2)

In the Bible, there seems to be good precedent for taking the time to explain the truth, and to listen to others carefully.


Quotes from the Pharisees: Nobody Believes That! (Part 1)

Is marginalization a new technique for excluding those who don't agree with the crowd?


Quotes from the Pharisees: Tell Him to Stop Doing That

Who do we talk to about getting some changes made around here?


Quotes from the Pharisees: Are You Saying I’m Wrong? (Part 2)

If we are fallible, how can we find the truth?


Quotes from the Pharisees: Are You Saying I’m Wrong? (Part 1)

How is it that we can sometimes have the most difficult time noticing when we are the one who is wrong?


Quotes from the Pharisees: I’m Better Than You

To what should followers of Jesus compare themselves and their righteousness?


Quotes from the Pharisees: Run Away!

How should we handle advice to "keep out" of certain groups, when it comes to sharing the good news about Jesus?


Quotes from the Pharisees: Tricky Traditions

How can we discern good traditions from unhealthy traditions? Jesus Christ gave us some clear guidance on that.


Quotes from the Pharisees: Trick Questions

What should we do when asked a question that seems impossible to answer?


Quotes from the Pharisees: Name-Calling

What should we expect to hear when we reach out to those who society doesn't like? What should we do about it?


Successful Prisoner or a Free Failure?

If you had to choose, would you rather have success and purpose without personal freedom, or to be physically free and a failure?


“Say His Name”

We rightly honor and remember those whose lives were taken away too early. There is another name, though, that addresses the root cause of the world's problems.

Sunday School Lessons

It’s Just Not Going to Work

Are you trying to fit Jesus' teachings into some other worldview? That's going to be a challenge.

Sunday School Lessons

When to Not Fast

While many people of faith might not fast often enough for their spiritual health, are there times when it isn't necessary?