Sunday School Lessons

Tactile Results and Trusting God’s Power

What would our lives look like if we truly appreciated God's power (along with His love for us)?

Sunday School Lessons

Could Someone Else Vouch For Your Faith?

If someone were to describe you, would they be able to make the case that you love God and love others?

Sunday School Lessons

Standing Solidly, in Solitude or Solidarity

Whether or not another person will stand with us, faith and hope remind us to stand strong through trials

Sunday School Lessons

Is It Just Too Much?

Encouragement is an interesting thing. No matter what our day brings, we should probably be either giving or receiving it.

Sunday School Lessons

Knowing “Why”

Knowing "why" and knowing what to do are separate things, but when we have both, we should act upon that knowledge

Sunday School Lessons

What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?  

Is it possible that living for Jesus is more than we thought it was?

Sunday School Lessons

Why Debate Eternal Security?  

Rather than debate the theological concept of eternal security, let's back up and consider why we want to understand it

Sermon Study Guides

Do We Want to Understand and Share?

It's possible to be taught without learning, and to learn without teaching, but should we do either of those things?

Sunday School Lessons

Investing In Something Superior

Would it be worth a little extra investment to be part of something better that will last longer?

Sunday School Lessons

Temporary or Permanent Sponsor?

In life, are you focused on the latest trends that will fade away, or something that will last forever?