Sunday School Lessons

Who We Follow Determines Our Direction and Our Destination

What if we considered whether or not we have the right guide, rather than only being concerned about our destination?

Sunday School Lessons

What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?  

Is it possible that living for Jesus is more than we thought it was?

Sunday School Lessons

Clean, Clothed, and in Community

When a family shares characteristics (whether external or internal), our individuality can still shine out as we honor that family.

Sunday School Lessons

If You’re Going to Get a Double Portion, Make Sure It’s a Double Portion of Something Good

Have you ever considered whether you could achieve even more than someone you look up to?

Sunday School Lessons

It’s Just Not Going to Work

Are you trying to fit Jesus' teachings into some other worldview? That's going to be a challenge.


Heart or Body?, Part 3 of 3

Since we each have internal conflicts, what should be our response to those whose struggles are different from our own?

Sunday School Lessons

Inferior Righteousness

If Jesus Christ calls His followers to a superior righteousness, what does the implied "inferior righteousness" look like?

Sunday School Lessons

Called Out of What?

Remembering what we were saved out of when we accepted Jesus can also remind us how to reach out to those who haven't yet done so.


Why Follow Anyone Else? (Part 2)

When we consider why people follow other gods, what does the God of the Bible have to say about their reasons?


Overcoming the Oppressor

In order to eliminate oppression and evil in our society, I think that we first need to define the root cause.


The Real Thing

Sometimes, we don't recognize that we're settling for less, until we try out the genuine article.


Small Sacrifices

If we can recognize little things we do as mini-sacrifices, maybe we can grow into a lifestyle that naturally achieves much bigger things for God.

Sunday School Lessons

So, Which Commandments Do I Need to Follow?

Which parts of our life need to be given over to Jesus' lordship?

Feather on Fabric

“Dr. M. Dennis, Ph.D, P.E., DDS, Esq.”

We can claim just about anything, but how can we tell if we are really walking in the light of Jesus?

Sun Rays Through Clouds

Brighten Your Day

Where do we go for sunshine when the weather is bleak outside, or when clouds trouble our hearts?


Not Too Difficult

When something seems too difficult, do you just give up, or do you keep looking for a way to succeed?


Out of the Dark

Have you ever found that something that looked good in the dark didn't hold up in the light? (Maybe your socks not matching?)