Sunday School Lessons


It requires a God of amazing grace to continue to offer a way back to Himself when we've been busted for overt sin

Sunday School Lessons

An Unwise Trade

Before we laugh at others that made bad decisions, let's make sure that we're being wise ourselves

Sunday School Lessons

Be Careful Who You Pick a Fight With

When you know you can't win a fight, it might be time to check and see if you're on the wrong side

Sunday School Lessons

Remember the Good Times

Memories help to form our outlook on life, but can also inspire us to regain past motivation

Sunday School Lessons

What To Do While We Wait

When trials and sadness take up residence in our lives, we have better options than just dwelling on them

Sunday School Lessons

Yes, But God…

There may not seem like a way out of our trials, until we remember that God is waiting for just the right time to step in

Sunday School Lessons

What to Do With Suffering

Even in suffering, there are good things that we can choose to do

Sunday School Lessons

Lament and the Nature of God

Lamenting an event or sorrowful situation doesn't make complete sense without lining it up against God character