Sunday School Lessons

Teaching or Example? Or, Teaching by Example?

Some lessons require a demonstration to be fully understood, but God already planned for that

Sunday School Lessons

Welcome to Philippians

There's a lot to learn from the book of Philippians in the Bible, but let's get started with some context

Sunday School Lessons

Lamentations? Really?

Sometimes, God seems to be making a point to me, but it's up to me to decide whether or not to learn the lesson

Sunday School Lessons

Answering the Important Questions

Could the answers to the most important questions in life be found in a single volume?

Sunday School Lessons

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth

Sometimes, an abridged version of an important message just won't get the job done.

Sunday School Lessons

Why Would We Need an Oath?

What causes us (or others) to feel the need to back up claims with an oath?


Sorting Through the Noise

When the world offers dozens of answers to a given question, how do we find out which one is objectively correct?


Who’s the Hero, Here?

Is it possible that we - in pride - have sometimes picked the wrong character as the hero in famous stories?

Abstract Light Pattern

Don’t Make Things Too Difficult

Sometimes, the message we need to hear is simply a passage from the Bible - with no frills, trimmings, or commentary.