Sunday School Lessons

A Messy Subject…

The topic of slavery is a complicated one, but when it comes to slavery to sin, we must not sugarcoat things

Sunday School Lessons

Sometimes a Good Plan Doesn’t Look Great at First

Just because we don't understand God's plan, doesn't mean it isn't a good plan

Quiet Lake
Sermon Study Guides

None, Actually

Do you still hear or feel condemnation after accepting the salvation of Jesus Christ? You're not alone, and there is hope.


You Don’t Know Me

When we all have our own junk cluttering up our hearts, is there any truth and hope that applies to us all?

Detail of Stone Wall

Nothing to Prove

As followers of Jesus, we should seek to live according to His example, but we have nothing to prove to those whose expectations of Christians are incorrect.

Stream and Trees

How Amazing Is Grace?

Grace is amazing because it restores us when we were lost and blind. But it is even more amazing that it brings us from death to life.