Sunday School Lessons

Justice and Mercy for Whom?

If we're not sure who needs justice and mercy from us, Jesus gives us a good example

Sunday School Lessons

Level in What Way?

Sometimes, it's not just the cure that's available to everyone who wants it; there's also a sickness that each of us suffer from

Sunday School Lessons

No Two Ways About It

If there are universal standards, they must - by definition - apply to all of us

Sunday School Lessons

Surely Not I?

What do we do when we encounter a list of sins in the Bible, and find a few that we struggle with, too?


Quotes from the Pharisees: I’m Better Than You

To what should followers of Jesus compare themselves and their righteousness?


Quotes from the Pharisees: Name-Calling

What should we expect to hear when we reach out to those who society doesn't like? What should we do about it?


Relating to Sinners

If Jesus could relate to us while only being tempted, we can reach out to those who sin differently than us.


Go Away!

Since Jesus made time for those who weren't like Him, or - according to others - just didn't fit in at the time, let us do the same thing.