Yellow Flower and Rocks

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Do you ever feel like you aren't where you want to be? That could be where you're supposed to be.

Rural View
Sermon Study Guides

Being in Community Without Living on a Commune

The idea of twelve men quitting their day jobs and following Jesus seems out of place today. How do we invest in others, in the very different world that we live in centuries later?


Corpus Christi, Part 3

Who is part of the body of Christ (the church), and once we know who belongs there, what should we do about it?

View of Tree and House from Playhouse

What’s Not In It For Me?

Being part of a group of like-minded believers has a lot of advantages for us, but what does the rest of the world get out of it?

Button Collection Display from Werther Museum

Everything in Common

The church wasn't meant to be a place that we just go to be spiritually fed. The early church was an example of sharing, in very practical ways.

Sea Lions on Buoy

I Can’t Do It!

As challenging as our individual weaknesses may be against specific temptations, we are not alone in this struggle.