Sunday School Lessons

Whatever It Takes for the Good of the Sheep

People will stand up for the most unlikely things, given the right reason

Sunday School Lessons

Not “Someone Else’s” Job

Being a part of the body of Christ is pretty much the opposite of being a spectator

Sunday School Lessons

What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?  

Is it possible that living for Jesus is more than we thought it was?

Sunday School Lessons

Opportunities to Do Good

God gives us the choice to do righteous or selfish things. Do we offer the same choice to others?


“Come With Me If You Want to Live”

We may not have starred in a Terminator movie, but there is someone we need to follow if we want to live.



We each may have wished that we were in charge of things, but maybe that role isn't really what we should aspire to.

Route 66

Use the Whole Road

The path to life is narrow, and Jesus is the only way. However, upon accepting Him, we have great freedom and liberty to love and to serve both God and others.