Sunday School Lessons

Sacred and Sensible Service

Within the church, spiritual service is successful when seeking (and following) God's wisdom

Sunday School Lessons

Sometimes, It’s Just Carrying Firewood

Sometimes, the most practical things are what the Kingdom of God needs

Sunday School Lessons

Cooking for a Crowd

When God asks us to do more than we can accomplish on our own, Jesus' example shows us how to act


First Place is Already Taken 

If we are never going to be in charge of Jesus' church, what drives us to keep doing our best?


Not Like the Others

Yes, none of us is just like the next person. However, the goal for each of us is fulfilling our individual purpose, not boring uniformity.


The Business of the Church

How can we reconcile the structure of individual congregations with our personal ministry obligations?

View of Tree and House from Playhouse

What’s Not In It For Me?

Being part of a group of like-minded believers has a lot of advantages for us, but what does the rest of the world get out of it?