Sunday School Lessons

Getting Good News Faster

If we have good news of hope and healing, let's not wait for people to come to us to hear it

Sunday School Lessons

Wearing a Chain Today?

The things that seem to hold us back in life may prove to be the very means of successfully fulfilling our part in God's plan

Sunday School Lessons

Real People and Real Places

Once we appreciate the reality of events recorded in the Bible, we find that its messages apply to our own lives even more

Sunday School Lessons

The Good News Produces Good Results

When we share the good news about Jesus - the real truth about Him - we should generally expect good results in the lives of others around us

Sunday School Lessons

Put Those Feet to Work!

Getting to enjoy an abundant life in Jesus Christ is a process, but we can help no matter where we are along the way

Sunday School Lessons

Call on the Name of Jesus to be Saved

Paul, in the book of Romans, breaks down salvation to some of its simplest principles

Sunday School Lessons

From “Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda” to “Living the Dream”

Good news isn't just meant to be heard. It should be acted upon and shared with others.


Finding Common Ground, Part 2

There is good news, once we realize that our sin is common ground that all of us share.


Speaking While in Chains

Ever feel that you are just so tied up with the junk of this world that you can't move fowrard?