Sunday School Lessons

God’s Good Plans

A good God has good plans for His people. Each of us just has to decide whether or not to be one of His people

Sunday School Lessons

Lament and the Nature of God

Lamenting an event or sorrowful situation doesn't make complete sense without lining it up against God character

Detail of Playground
Sunday School Lessons

Delegating, or Unwilling to Work?

Do we see God's instructions to us as arbitrary, or as a reflection of what He has already done for us?

Sunday School Lessons

Is It About the Sheep, or the Shepherd?

Do we sometimes tend to see too much of ourselves in the Bible, and not enough of the author?

Sunday School Lessons

Worse Than Just Unrighteousness

When Christians engage in obviously bad behavior, the consequences are more than just embarrassing ourselves


Ain’t My God

In a world where claims are made based on anecdotal evidence, how should we evaluate the truth about God and Christianity?

Sunday School Lessons

Testifying in Deed and in Word

Even if we're not in a courtroom, we can give testimony to what we have seen, in order to help others find the truth.

Sunday School Lessons

Can Your God Make a Difference in the Physical World?

If one worships someone or something that is confined to only the spiritual or material domains, is that truly a god?

Sunday School Lessons

Impossible to Appreciate Without Experiencing It

If we have experienced things that we can't fully describe to others, what might be waiting for us that we can't imagine?


In Awe of God’s Peace

When we look at conflict around us, do we want a "just OK" solution, or something that will be truly awesome?


How in the World Can I Pray to a Perfect, Holy God?

Who could possibly bridge the gap between a God who is transcendent and holy, and we sinful people here on earth?