
Answers to Friends, Part 1

Some of the pivotal statements that Jesus made about Himself were actually made in small settings.

Ornamental Cabbage

Non-Believer, Part 2

Why do some people not accept the truth, even when it is clear to others?


I Once Was Blind, Part 1

What does it actually mean to see again when we have been spiritually blind?

Longer Exposure Pattern

The Dog Walks Slowly by Midnight

Even the most important message is ineffective if it can't be shared in a way that the recipient can understand.

Murky Water

Questioning God

While we don't always get all of the answers right away, there is good precedent to ask God the hard questions that are on our heart.

Streamers from Roof at Museum

Looking in the Wrong Direction, Part 2

There is sometimes just more than we can understand. This is where faith must fill in the gaps.

Streamers from Roof at Museum

Looking in the Wrong Direction, Part 1

Is it possible that there are basic things that are true, but we just don't "get" them?