Sunday School Lessons

Sharing, Not Just Telling

Sharing the good news about Jesus with others isn't for the one speaking, but is an act of love towards the one listening

Sunday School Lessons

All Together

When the right circumstances and people are together, combined with God's power, some amazing things can happen

Sunday School Lessons

Yes, Darkness Exists, but There is Hope in the Light

The light can show how messy our lives are, but it also helps us see a path to something better

Sunday School Lessons

What Walking by the Spirit Looks Like

If we aren't demonstrating all of the fruit of the Spirit, does that mean we're just not trying hard enough?

Sunday School Lessons

What Walking by the Spirit Does Not Look Like

Paul lists a number of "acts of the flesh" in the book of Galatians. Is this just another list of rules, containing things that followers of Jesus must avoid?

Sunday School Lessons

What Will I Do Without My Security Blanket?

Have we become too dependent upon a system of rules? Are we afraid to let go of our rules and trust God to lead us?

Sunday School Lessons

If You’re Going to Get a Double Portion, Make Sure It’s a Double Portion of Something Good

Have you ever considered whether you could achieve even more than someone you look up to?


Lines of Communication

Communication has come a long way, but sometimes the most effective sharing uses methods that are tried and true.


Better Peace Than You Can Get Elsewhere

Are we afraid, feeling like we are on trial and about to be convicted, without anyone to represent us?


Taking Control 

Sometimes, we just need to get control of certain things in our life, even when it seems like things are out of control.

Sunday School Lessons

If You Can’t Be a Good Friend, Be a Warning of What Not To Do

What can we learn about being a good friend, from some examples of not-so-great friends in the Bible? (Notes for a "remotely-taught" Sunday School lesson, June 7, 2020.)


I Don’t Know What to Say!

In a world where we feel like we are expected to know everything, what do we do when we don't even know the right question?


Back-Alley Following

When you're following a friend through his or her home town, who do you trust more: your friend or the GPS?


I Once Was Blind, Part 2

Is there more to spiritual understanding than just what we can learn by ourselves?

Route 66 Diner

A Look Inside

If having a transparent refrigerator door makes some of us nervous, what should we think of One who can see into our hearts?


“I’m Always Angry”

How can we find ourselves being defined by others according to the good that our life produces (with God's) help, rather than by the vices that we fight against?