Sunday School Lessons

Yes, But God…

There may not seem like a way out of our trials, until we remember that God is waiting for just the right time to step in

Sunday School Lessons

Worse Than Hopeless?

When you thought things couldn't get worse, but they still did, but there is hope for those who trust in God

Sunday School Lessons

What is the Opposite of a Vicious Cycle?

When things seem to be going in the wrong direction, we may need to help "reverse the curse"

Sunday School Lessons

Would You Like Your Compliment Sandwich Open-Faced?

God often offers us hope, even if there are trials to get through before that hope is realized

Sunday School Lessons

Faith, Facts, and a Future

Chapter 7 of Micah offers us some examples of what can get us through difficult times

Morning Glory Flower
Sunday School Lessons

It Will Return, But What Will It Be Like?

God's glory is always present with Him, so if we seek His glory, we should seek Him

Desert Plants
Sunday School Lessons

A Solution, No Matter What Ails Us

Just because we don't see a solution, doesn't meant that there isn't hope for one

Sunday School Lessons

How Can I Find Glory in That?

Not everything that is good for us seems like a positive thing in the short run, but the long-term payoff can be amazing

Sunday School Lessons

When It’s OK to Boast

While we shouldn't be obnoxious about our own achievements, maybe there are things others have done that we should boast about

Sunday School Lessons

How Great is This Hope?

It's can be fun to receive what we have hoped for, but there's something even better waiting for you if you accept it.

Sunday School Lessons

More Than a Little Bug

If your problem is too big for you to handle on your own, there's someone else who can squash it for you.

Sunday School Lessons

Too Much Light?

While we may worry about light pollution in the physical world, the spiritual condition of many people is extremely dark, and they need some light (along with some love).

Sunday School Lessons

Who’s Getting Blessed?, Part 1

Maybe whether or not we are blessed isn't measured the way that we thought it was.


All People for Jesus

Until everyone has gotten a fair chance to understand and decide whether or not they will accept Jesus, the work of the church is not yet done.


I Don’t Belong Here

Ever feel like you just don't quite fit in here on earth? Turns out, that's actually OK - you can still be on the right path, even when it looks different from those around you.