Sunday School Lessons

Be Careful Who You Pick a Fight With

When you know you can't win a fight, it might be time to check and see if you're on the wrong side

Sunday School Lessons

When It’s OK to Boast

While we shouldn't be obnoxious about our own achievements, maybe there are things others have done that we should boast about

Sunday School Lessons

Why Do We Have to Hear This Again?

While we might repeat things just to hear ourselves talk, when God says something more than once, we should definitely pay attention

Sunday School Lessons

The Remnant

It might not be fun to think of ourselves as a remnant, but God can do some amazing things with what the rest of the world considers to be scraps.

Sunday School Lessons

Totally Unfair, Part 2

Why should people who do good things be considered inadequately righteous, when sinners can receive salvation through faith?

Sunday School Lessons

Salvation Is an Amazing Thing

Are there any "minimum holiness requirements" to accept God's salvation and new life in Jesus Christ?


Not Too Difficult

When something seems too difficult, do you just give up, or do you keep looking for a way to succeed?


I Deserve This!

If God mercifully paid for the consequences of our sins, how should we respond to that grace?


Own It!

Carrying the weight of sin around is painful. If we just come clean and admit that we have failed, would a loving God welcome us back?


You Can’t Make That With Those Ingredients, Part 1

No matter how hard we might try, there are some things that can't be made without the right ingredients.


God’s Message to the Arab People

God's blessings to the Arab people aren't limited to the stories about Ishmael. Let's take a look...


Grace, Love, and Fellowship

What if fancy introductions and conclusions in books of the Bible weren't just cultural niceties, but instead were opportunities to be blessed?