Sunday School Lessons

I’m Here. Now What?

Since God has placed each of us in exactly the right circumstances, we shouldn't just sit around and do nothing now that we're here

Sunday School Lessons

A Good Question to Ask

While not every question has to be answered, some of them are important for us to find correct answers to

Sermon Study Guides

Do We Want to Understand and Share?

It's possible to be taught without learning, and to learn without teaching, but should we do either of those things?


Quotes from the Pharisees: Trick Questions

What should we do when asked a question that seems impossible to answer?


Why Use a Mirror?

You've probably used a mirror in the past day. Have you ever stopped to think about why we do so?


Difficult Doesn’t Mean Pliable

Just because I can't hear or understand something, doesn't mean that I get to claim that I heard whatever benefits me the most.

Abstract Light Pattern

Don’t Make Things Too Difficult

Sometimes, the message we need to hear is simply a passage from the Bible - with no frills, trimmings, or commentary.

NASA Computers
Other Study Guides

Reading the Bible Electronically

When we don't have a printed version of the Bible handy, today's technology offers us many alternatives.

Evergreen Plant

Answers from Habit, Part 1

We are challenged to have an answer for what we hope in, but sometimes that can be a little intimidating.

Scanned Newspaper Clipping of 1908 Welshimer Class at First Christian Church of Canton Ohio

What Do You Call…

Sometimes, in countries with religious freedom, I think that we make things harder than they need to be. What do those who are persecuted for their faith - and the example of the early church - have to teach us?