Sunday School Lessons

Compete and Unforced Devotion

There's a difference between being compelled to do something, and choosing to do it willingly

Sunday School Lessons

Ask and Obey

Sometimes, being humble enough to ask for help and being willing to do what we are told (by God, that is) are steps towards bigger things

Sunday School Lessons

I’m Here. Now What?

Since God has placed each of us in exactly the right circumstances, we shouldn't just sit around and do nothing now that we're here

Sunday School Lessons

It’s Going to Take Guts

Knowing and doing are two separate things, but what else do we need in order to be people of action, rather than just inert knowledge?

Sunday School Lessons

Sometimes, You Need to Be the Exception

Just because those before or after you are a mess, doesn't mean that you have to be the same way.

Sunday School Lessons

What Do We Do After We’re Healed?

When we - or loved ones - are sick, we think a lot about healing. What do we do after we are healed, though?


Don’t Lose This Information

What happens when the most important messages are lost from one generation to the next, because we simply didn't pay attention?