Sunday School Lessons

If I Had Been There

Ever wish you had been in a situation you heard about, so that you could have done a better job?

Sunday School Lessons

When You Can’t Get Away

Finding and following God's plan isn't always comfortable, but it is always better than what we had in mind

Sunday School Lessons

Stashing Our Blessings

Might we have some blessings from God that could be put to even better use?

Sunday School Lessons

An Object of Remembrance

While we can't bring God to ourselves, how big of a deal is it to us that He made His presence available to us?


Quotes from the Pharisees: Name-Calling

What should we expect to hear when we reach out to those who society doesn't like? What should we do about it?


Unreliable Money

Since even closely-watched financial investments can gain or lose money, where can we invest in something more reliable?


In a Hurry for What?

Can we become so focused on the process of getting to our destination that we miss out on opportunities along the way?


Driving Down Demand vs. Cutting Off the Supply

Is it possible that trying to stop something we don't like would be easier if we helped prevent it in the first place?

Sunday School Lessons

Definitely Not Fair

Are there cases where we should strive to make life "more unfair"?

Sunday School Lessons

It’s OK to Ask

Sometimes, it's better to set our authority aside and just ask someone to do the right thing.

Sunday School Lessons

Humility for the Powerful

What good is access to the power of God if we don't use it as He intended?


Not Worried About This Town

What would our perspective of our current situation be like if we looked at it like a stopover, rather than our destination?


Bonus Evidence!

The book of Hebrews points out an interesting type of evidence for the truth of Jesus' salvation - one that we might not have thought of.

Houseplant and Window Screen

Read the Bible, Be the Church, and Pray, Part 2

So, what can we do when we need to be the church, but it can't be the same as before?